Application of flocking in garment industry
静电植绒面料由于质地柔软,外观艳丽,起皱均匀,是一种理想的夹克衫面料。仿羊绒植绒织物是一种高档服用面料,表面有不规则的波纹状横向绉纹,产品雍容华贵,富有弹性,穿着舒适,其独特风格主要决定于底布的收缩性能。底布收缩的一个重要原因是进行了静电起绒加工,使其表面覆盖一层丰满均匀的绒毛,防止静电植绒粘合剂大量渗入底布而影响化粪池模具 精密铸造 钢纤维 盐水注射机 风电基础模具 nsk轴承经销商 nsk轴承总代理 保定空调移机底布的收缩性能,同时,绒毛随底布的收缩而簇动,可促使静电植绒面凸起和凹下,产生一道道横向绉纹。
Electrostatic flocking fabric is an ideal jacket fabric because of its soft texture, gorgeous appearance and even wrinkle. Cashmere like flocking fabric is a kind of high-grade wearing fabric with irregular corrugations on the surface. The product is elegant, elastic and comfortable. Its unique style is mainly determined by the shrinkage performance of the bottom cloth. One of the important reasons for the shrinkage of the bottom cloth is the electrostatic fluffing process, which makes the surface covered with a layer of full and uniform fluff, so as to prevent the large amount of electrostatic flocking adhesive from infiltrating into the bottom cloth and affecting the shrinkage performance of the bottom cloth. At the same time, the fluff clusters with the shrinkage of the bottom cloth, which can make the electrostatic flocking surface convex and concave, and produce a horizontal crepe


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